Saturday, November 16, 2013

The videos are currently down.
I will put them back up at a later date.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I warned you about it, here it is.
Green Day.......... Hillbilly style.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Microsoft Songsmith - Like a toy keyboard, but for your computer.

Anyone remember messing around with a Casio, Yamaha, or some other dirt-cheap, plastic box that cranked out auto-accompaniments to the 'chords' you supplied with your left hand?

In 2009, Microsoft released a program called Songsmith that not only cranks out the auto-accompaniment, but makes its best guess as to what chords you want to put under the vocal line that you include by singing into a microphone.

The concept seems simple enough. It's as though the folks at Microsoft are saying, "Give us your melody, and we'll throw it back at you with a full band!"

Many people had the same incredible idea of feeding pre-recorded songs into the program (do a search on Youtube for Songsmith and We Will Rock You for maximum effect) and seeing what would get spit out.

My basic premise for this blog is to forge my own creations for songs that really shouldn't be getting this kind of treatment. So far, I've completed one such masterpiece.

War Pigs, sung by Ozzy Osbourne, accompanied by Black Songsmith.

P.S. I am working on "Basket Case" by Green Day, but the chords that Songsmith is choosing kind of suck, so I'm plugging in something closer to the original song, with some alterations here and there for a more interesting sound. Also, imagine it being sung with bluegrass accompaniment, complete with banjo plucking.